Transportation Policy
The Clinton County Boys & Girls Club is committed to providing a safe environment and enforces the following transportation policy for members, staff, volunteers, and other adults.
The Club only provides transportation to and from the Clubhouse and various approved off-site locations. The Club only transports youth in Club vehicles or other vehicles approved by Club leadership.
Staff shall not:
· Transport Club members in personal vehicles
· Transport one member at a time
· Use electronic devices such as cell phones, PDA’s, or other communication devices while transporting members to and from the Clubhouse or Club related activities
Staff shall:
· Only transport members in official Club vehicles
· Ensure at least three individuals are present when transporting members
· Keep an updated list of all youth who are transported to and from the Clubhouse and Club related activities
Drivers shall:
· Keep a log of all youth who are picked up and dropped off
· Perform regular checks to ensure all members are picked up and dropped off at the appropriate times and locations
· Immediately notify Club leadership if there is a delay or issue with transporting members to and from the Clubhouse or Club related activities
· Submit written reports detailing issues or incidents involving transporting members to and from the Club or Club related activities.
Updated November 2019
Video Surveillance Policy
The Clinton County Boys & Girls Club recognizes that maintaining the safety and security of Club members, staff, volunteers, and Club property is best implemented with a multifaceted approach. Modern technology, including video surveillance, can provide tools to maintain safety and security. While video surveillance does not replace appropriate supervision by Club personnel, it can provide an additional layer of protection.
Video surveillance, with or without audio recording capabilities, may be utilized in and around the Club facility, on Club property, and on Club transportation vehicles. Video surveillance shall be in accordance with all applicable laws pertaining to such use.
Video surveillance equipment may be installed in and around Club facilities, property, and vehicles. The system provides constant monitoring 24/7.
Video surveillance equipment will not be used or installed in area where Club Members, staff, and parents/guardians have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms.
Video surveillance equipment may always be in operation, whether the Club is operational and whether the facilities or building are in use at all. The Club will determine the operation schedule of any video surveillance equipment in its discretion.
Video monitors shall not be in an area that enables public viewing.
The Club shall notify Club members, parents/guardians, staff, and the public that video surveillance systems are present by signs prominently displayed in the appropriate location throughout the facilities and grounds and provide any other notifications or consent as required by law.
The use of video surveillance equipment on Club grounds shall be supervised and controlled by the CEO and the Program Director.
Video data is recorded and stored digitally. Video recording data is considered confidential and secure. Access to live and video recorded data is strictly limited to the following full-time Boys & Girls Club personnel: CEO and Program Director. These authorized personnel are trained on the video surveillance policy and how video data should be used during any official investigation.
Video recording data may be used as evidence that a Club member, parent/guardian, staff member, volunteer, or other person has engaged in behavior that violates state or local law, policies, and/or Club rules. Video footage is subject to production by a valid subpoena or other court order.
Confidentiality and privacy concerns limit the general public, including parents and relatives of Club members, from viewing video recording footage and/or data involving Club members, staff, and volunteers. Only the authorized personnel provided about can view and/or export video recording data. No unauthorized recordings are permitted of video recording data through cell phones, portable devices, or any other means. Any Club personnel who becomes aware of unauthorized disclosure of video recording data from the Club and/or a potential privacy breach, must immediately inform the CEO.
Club personnel and volunteers are prohibited from unauthorized use of, tempering with, or otherwise interfering with video surveillance equipment. Violations will be subject to disciplinary action that may include, but are not limited to, written reprimand, suspension, demotion, or termination of employment.
Video recording data will remain in the property of the Clinton County Boys & Girls Club and may be reproduced only in accordance with applicable law and board policy.
Approved August 2022
Background Check Policy
It is the Boys & Girls Club policy to complete background checks on any volunteer or employee that has direct contact with our members. . Please note that all information is strictly confidential. You will not be allowed to work/volunteer until the background check is completed.
Below is a list of our Barrier Crimes. If any of these show up on your report, you will automatically be excluded from coaching our members.
· Murder
· Child abuse
· A crime against children, including child pornography
· Spousal abuse
· A crime involving rape or sexual assault
· Arson
· Physical assault, battery
· Convicted of a drug related offense within the last five years
These are just a few crimes that we consider to be barrier crimes.
We, staff and the board of directors, have the right to deny anyone based on a background check.
Prohibition of Private One-on-One Interaction Policy
The Clinton County Boys & Girls Club is committed to providing a safe environment for members, staff, and volunteers. To further ensure their safety, the organization prohibits all one-on-one interactions between Club members and staff and volunteers (including board members). All staff and volunteers must abide by the following:
· Ensure all meetings and communications between members and staff or volunteers are never private (see definition below)
· Ensure in-person meetings take place in areas where other staff and/or members are present.
· Communicate to another staff member whenever an emergency arises that necessitates an exception to this policy.
· Never initiate private or isolated one-on-one contact with a member.
· Never have a private or isolated meeting or communication with a member. This includes in-person meetings and virtual communications such as texting, video chat, and social media between only a staff member or volunteer and a single member.
· Never transport one Club member at a time. This includes transportation in Club or leased vehicles.
Exceptions may only be made when delivering medical or counseling services by a licensed, trained therapist or similar professional. All exceptions shall be documented and provided to Club leadership in advance.
If an emergency arises that necessitates an exception to this policy, the emergency exception shall be communicated to Club leadership as soon as practicable, and ideally before engaging in one-on –one interaction.
The following guidance should be used when implementing related policies and procedures.
Definition of one-on-one interaction
One-on-one interaction is defined as any private contact or communication (including electronic communication) between any Club participant and an adult, including adult staff, minor staff, volunteers, board members, and others who might encounter members during regular programming and activities.
· Private contact/communication is any communication, in person or virtual, that is between one youth member and one adult (18 or over) that takes place in a secluded area, in not in plain sight, and/or is done without the knowledge of others. Private places can include but are not limited to vehicles, rooms without visibility to others, private homes, and hotel rooms. Examples of private contact include but are not limited to:
o Meeting behind closed doors (in rooms without windows or visible sightlines) or any spaces that are not visible to others.
o One staff member transporting one member in a vehicle.
o Electronic communication (text, video, social media, etc.) between one member and one staff member or volunteer
· Public contact/communication is any communication or meeting, in person or virtual, that is between at least three individuals, including two staff and one member, one staff and two members or variations of these combinations. Example of public contact include but are not limited to:
o Meeting in plain sight of others (e.g. in a private corner of an active game room).
o Transporting members via public transportation (bus, taxi, train, air, etc.)
o Electronic communications (text, video, social media, etc..) between multiple members and adults (e.g. group chats)
o Public places can include but are not limited to buses, airports, shopping malls, restaurants, and schools
Impact on mentoring programs
Mentorship is a key component of Boys & Girls Club programming and has tremendous positive impact on members. Prohibition of one-on-one interaction does not have to negatively affect mentor programs and/or relationship building. Mentors can adjust their practice to include:
o Holding mentor and coaching sessions in areas where other staff and/or members are present or an see you-for example, in large rooms where meetings are visible but not heard.
o Copying parents, staff, or other members (when appropriate) on written and/or electronic communications.
o Scheduling meetings during Club hours and at the Club site.
o Documenting interactions between mentors and youth.
Impact on partnerships with local mentoring organizations
o All local mentors are required to abide by Club policies, including background check requirements and prohibition of one-on-one interaction.
o External mentors are required to abide by all Club safety policies and procedures.
o A written agreement should be in place to determine how and when the external organization assumes custody and responsibility of the member; these procedures should be clearly communicated to parents or guardians.
o Every interaction between mentor and youth will be documented and maintained.
Impact on traveling to off-site events and activities
o When travelling to external events of off-site activities, the one-on-one policy shall continue to be followed.
o Should the Club take responsibility for transporting members to and/or from an event, one staff member should not transport one single child at any time in a vehicle. Accommodations shall be made to ensure at least three people (two staff and one member or one staff and two members) are together when traveling. As an alternative, public transportation may be used.
o If this arrangement presents staffing or budget challenges, consider the following:
o Inviting parents or guardians to attend and/or chaperone their child.
o Including additional youth and/or staff in travel plans.
o Coordinating with other Clubhouses or nearby organizations to travel together.
o Travelling with additional staff or members.
o Parents and guardians should also provide written consent in each instance in which a member travels to any off-site event. NOTE: Parents or guardians are never allowed to provide consent for one-on-one interaction.
o Similar practices should be in place when coordinating field trips.
Impact on transportation to and from the Club
o When transporting members to and/or from a Club-sponsored event or activity, single members should not be transported alone with one staff person.
o Consider the following to accommodate single children:
o Modify bus or van routes so single children are not picked up first or dropped off last.
o Use a bus aide if available.
o Pick up and drop off children in groups.
o Modify staff schedules to ensure multiple staff are present.
Exceptions to policy
Exceptions to the one-on-one policy can be made under the following circumstances:
o When delivering medical or counseling services by a licensed, trained therapist or similar professional
o When the emotional or physical safety of a member is at risk and a private, one-on-one communication is deemed necessary by Club leadership.
o In emergency situations that could create a safety risk, exceptions can be made (e.g. if a member is not picked up by a parent and leaving them alone at the Cub could be a safety risk)
Should exceptions need to be made, the Club shall have policies in place to monitor interactions, including but not limited to:
o Disclosing the meeting to Club leadership and regularly checking in with the member and adult during conversations.
o Placing time limits on conversations.
o Documenting the interaction.
o In an emergency, disclosing the situation to another staff member before engaging in one-on-one interaction.
Payment Requirements
As of March 1, 2025, we will no longer be taking weekly payments. All program participants will be required to pay on a monthly basis. All payments are due on the first of the month, or the first day of the month that they attend. After the third day of non-payment, a $5 late fee will be added to the balance, and participation in the program will be suspended until balance is paid in full.